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2019 Art

 Contextual Statement

Art embraces the idea of freedom of expression however if a way of expression is suppressed by an authority how can a voice be heard? The city I came from is not free under freedom. Hong Kong is an isolated city which has a taste of freedom before the handover, however the right to express is becoming more and more minimal, it is like a living under a lie with a fake identity. I shall ask who am I and what do I have left?


Communication is about interactions with the physical being and language. Files, newspapers and mirrors are the materials that I pick up and store information. The marks and the things I put in/onto the material are information that I treasure or to specify.


 Cantonese and English are the languages I speak. These two languages allow connections

 In conversations. One language could not substitute the original expressions of a mother tongue. A conversation serves as a bridge to connect people moreover a question is raised: How are people going to connect the borders together when the person could only understand one side of the discussion?


A lie could be articulated into something sweet and humourous but under the colourful candy wrap underlays the bitterness along with harshness of reality. I work a lot with the opaque colour palette it interests me since there is a sense of unease when soothing colours are blended with sensitive contents (eg. Police brutality)


 Looking at social media and something about politics is like having food that is bitter and sweet. There is a whole spectrum of colours to represent varies of people in a political situation, but is it necessarily correct when a person suggests an argument? The grey area then will come up from the surface, are the facts clear enough?


Politics is not just about politics. In this category it raises a lot of logical and emotional attachment to it. Politics in an art form blends away the sensitivity of the topic and I am interested in the way art treats politics, when politics in put into an art space the action of rage and urge would be suppressed. I associate with Ai Wei Wei’s quote on “Everything is art, everything is politics.” There is always a thread that leads us to it. It is more about how the artist correspond to it.



I am a Hong Konger, what else do I have to lose?

October 2019


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